Political Hacks R Us

Welcome to the world's most non-blogged upon blog. I really just signed up for one so I could comment on my sister's blog. But since I had to do something, politics it is. It's my life, it's what I love. If that makes me a hack, well then, fine. FU! I'm a hack!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I guess it's been about 5 months since I posted anything. So I'll post something now. What the hell is going on in the world? The middle east is about to blow up, Iraq isn't going as well as we would like, and don't look now, but Afghanistan is being overrun by the Taliban again.

But hey! Our fearless leaders in DC are focusing on hot pressing issues like gay marriage and flag burning. Don't really care where you stand on either of those issues, but really? Really members of Congress? Is that REALLY what you think the American people are most concerned about?