Yeah, so I told you I'd never blog on this. But i just had to comment on one thing. If Dick Cheney had been, I dunno, Chuck D, and he shot Flava Flav the face, don't you think the police would have interviewed him RIGHT AWAY? I'm just sayin.
Welcome to the world's most non-blogged upon blog. I really just signed up for one so I could comment on my sister's blog. But since I had to do something, politics it is. It's my life, it's what I love. If that makes me a hack, well then, fine. FU! I'm a hack!
At 6:07 PM,
nyc/caribbean ragazza said…
I think you need to blog more often. I think you need a better example. The only person who may shoot flavor flav is Miss New York, if he doesn't give a clock next week.
At 6:08 PM,
nyc/caribbean ragazza said…
oops, meant to say "give HER a clock..."
At 3:04 PM,
gibber said…
I know...i just haven't gotten around to it. I might start up more. I really enjoy your blog and look for new posts everyday!
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